Body Building Courses

Attention Personal Trainers, Male and Female Bodybuilders, Ms Figure competitors, Sports Models and Bikini Style competitors who want the insider secrets on how to create a Championship Physique…


Here’s How You Can Make More Money, Increase Your Knowledge and Expertise, Improve Your Reputation and Build Your Business With This New Groundbreaking and Official Contest Preparation Course…Guaranteed”

…plus gain more respect and be recognised as an Expert. While other personal trainers and bodybuilders fall behind – you will lead – having the world’s first and only contest preparation certificate and the unique ability to achieve peak physical condition again and again….

richard_hargreaves_mr_australia_bodybuilder…”There are lots of books, systems, diets, etc. relating to fitness, bodybuilding and the like in general… but until now…nothing that specializes in a step by step blueprint that covers all the nitty gritty aspects of what a bodybuilder needs to do and know to have a chance at winning his or her show. In short…A Certificate In Bodybuilding Contest Preparation. The Creators of this course have collectively combined their 60 years of qualifications and experience in the field of contest readiness and preparation. This enables them to authoritively cover all aspects that a competitive bodybuilder or personal trainer needs to know…from motivation, training, diet and supplements…right through to posing, presentation, judging, and drug testing…even what colour posing costume to wear on the day! Nothing has been left to chance in preparing you or your client to win your first…or last… natural bodybuilding show…”

Richard Hargreaves
Bodybuilding Course co-creator

Dear Personal Trainers, Bodybuilders and Interested Readers,

If you’ve always imagined yourself being a super successful trainer, transforming client’s physiques or your own, and making an extra $50,000.00 each year….

… Then this may be the most important information you’ll ever read…

…because on this web page, I’m going to show you how ANY Personal Trainer can have a wildly profitable Personal Training business (…even if you are just starting out) and quickly gain “legend” status by having the ability to create outstanding results with your clients…



Personal Trainers

check-listwith clients who wish to compete in a physique contest…The IAPC Course covers all types of physique competitors; Male and Female Bodybuilders, Ms Figure competitors, SportsModels and Bikini Style competitors

check-listwith clients doing a physique transformation challenge

check-listwith clients wanting to compete in a bodybuilding show

check-listwith clients who want to take their development to the next level

Physique Competitors

check-listwanting to build an outstanding physique fast…without years of trial and error, guesswork and frustration

check-listnovices keen to learn and not waste time

check-listfirst timers who want to increase their chances of winning their first bodybuilding show

check-listup and coming champions who want to reach the top–FAST

check-listseasoned veterans…frustrated because they have yet to reach their full potential, or have not cracked that title they want to win…despite a number of attempts

Anyone Who

check-listwants to know the insider-secrets of Top Bodybuilders and Personal Trainers

check-listwants to have an advantage and save years trying to do it on their own

check-listis interested in achieving peak physical condition


“Informative, interesting, easy to follow. Easy to learn, great reference for future planning and program planning. Excited to apply to my own training, goals and contest prep and also to change lives of others”

Seaneen Copeland
Hillarys (WA), Australia





“This certification was the answer to all the questions I had on contest prep that no one could seem to answer. The IAPC did so with research and studies all cited in the manual to prove it. I completed this exam exactly between competing in two shows. The first show I placed 5th but after applying this knowledge to myself in the second show I placed 1st, not to mention 3 out of 4 of my clients took home hardware in the same show. The proof is in the pudding Baby!”

Ryan Watson
Florida, USA




“I have been competing in bodybuilding since 2002 and now feel confident that I am able to not only tweak my own contest preparation but also help guide other potential competitors to the stage! I found the course to be very interesting and informative and look forward to putting the quality information into practice.”

Christine Zadel
2007 INBA Ms Australia, (Women’s Physique) winner
Wagga (NSW), Australia




“I completed 3 certifications in fitness, and I was still able to find this course so new and captivating. Easy to read through and perfect amount of information. I’ve used the information to put together competition schedules for both my husband and I and we were successful. I feel confident and I am looking forward to help my clients in their journey to the natural bodybuilding stage. Thanks IAPC!”

Andreea Spanu
Perth (WA), Australia





“I have found this course sensational and full of practical knowledge that I have used for preparing myself during Figure competitions. I followed many of the steps in the Nutrition section (particularly the high protein diet and cleanse) in the 2009 contest season and I came-in the best condition ever. I used all the monitoring tools also and now have a clear plan and guide for this year’s comps. Thank you so much.”

Michelle Nazaroff
Baldivis (WA), Australia



“Wow! What an in-depth and insightful course! I would thoroughly recommend this for anyone wanting to compete themselves, or to assist others to do so. The manual is jam packed with useful tips to assist you to be the best you can be – thanks IAPC!”

Jesse McConaghy
Canberra (ACT), Australia
2008 INBA Canberra & Country Natural Classic – Winner, Novice Men
2008 INBA Canberra & Country Natural Classic – Mens Overall Champ
2008 INBA Sydney Natural Physique – 2nd place, Open Men’s Division
2008 INBA ACT Titles – 3rd place, Open Men’s Division
2008 INBA Australian Titles – 3rd place, Novice Men



Frank Zane, winner of three Mr Olympia’s admitted after losing the 1982 Olympia “I was 40 years old and still learning things for competition.” A characteristic of this sport and lifestyle is the life-long journey of discovery and learning….. about the human body…and yourself. The IAPC comprehensive course is essential to own and add to your past experience and knowledge. For those just entering the sport, this course is the front door! It will prevent you wasting years of time in the school of hard knocks…and put you into the inner circle…join those in the know TODAY.

You already have a winning attitude…otherwise you wouldn’t be investing your time reading this. Combining your winning attitude and strong desire to get better results almost guarantees you will be successful. All you need is to combine your enthusiasm with the right information…which you will have at your fingertips in this course. Soon you will start pumping out championship physiques, your reputation as a Master Trainer will soar…and your personal training business profits will start overflowing. The more you read on, the more you’ll realise this course is exactly what you have been after…


How often have you heard after the event, “You should have seen me the next day, I was big and ripped”? It sadly happens all too often……mistiming your physical peak by being too early or too late. Well, this course will help make this a thing of the past. There’s nothing worse than going through months of extreme discipline, for it to be in vain, when you miss your peak.

With the course…Never again fall prey to, “If only the contest was today!”



“I found this course to be “the icing on the cake” to cap off my personal training course, previous knowledge and competition experience. Having been there and done that, I have learnt so much more which I only wish I knew prior to competing myself previously. It is the attention to the little things which takes care of the bigger picture. Thanks.”

Mandy Wilkinson
Gold Coast (QLD), Australia



“I have been involved in natural bodybuilding for about 27 years. In that time I made it a quest of mine to sift through the good, the bad and the totally senseless to know exactly how to obtain a great physique. I have met and have had dealings with numerous great champions such as Frank Zane, Chris Dickerson, Tom Platz and especially the late Mike Mentzer (who I’d regard as a personal friend) to name a few. However, even through all those years and with a great deal of knowledge of training and nutrition philosophies, I still as a trainer needed to know the exact protocol and science of getting someone in great (not just good) competition shape. Even with years of experience I was not confident enough to do this. Everyone you meet has different theories and views on the subject and if you are or have been lucky enough to squeeze out information from the successful few, it still only applies to themselves and not to anyone else with different genetics and so forth. You are still left wondering and left in the dark so to speak. I looked around and was fortunate enough to find your website and the information it offered. I read what the course had to offer and it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I went through it thoroughly and applied it. I have since taken 3 competitors to the INBA Queensland titles in different class and age groups with fantastic results (pics of one such competitor below…Leith Truss). In ending, I would wholeheartedly and unequivocally recommend this course for anyone who is serious about ‘getting it right the first time whether for your own achievements or someone else’s. Don’t leave things to chance….The I.A.P.C. course will do it right for you for sure!”

Tom Aitken
Cleveland (QLD), Australia



The course contains information that you won’t find anywhere else and all in the one place.

What’s the course about?

check-listIt’s about finding success by creating winning competitors, bodies and physiques

check-listIt’s about having a proven roadmap to lead you towards your goals of making more money and gaining the respect you deserve.

check-listIt’s about being renowned for consistently delivering results above and beyond the ordinary.

check-listIt’s about helping you become famous for spectacular achievements while avoiding mistakes along the way you might otherwise make without this guide.



“Very informative – an enjoyment to read. Highly recommended to trainers and anyone considering competing.”

Vicki Mann
Newport (Vic), Australia

The more you keep reading, the more you feel it would be a waste to let this opportunity slip by…

This course has been written to cut through all the misinformation floating around and clear any confusion you must be experiencing…

There is no guesswork or outrageous techniques here…just proven, referenced information and time-tested Pearls of Wisdom, which are based on scientific principles and tested in real life to work every time. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand or do the course… everything…including complex techniques…are broken down into simple terms that anyone can understand…step by step leading you to your goals.

To make you feel confident with the information in the course…let me share with you the extensive background of the Creators…click here to read about the Creators of the bodybuilding course.

And there are over 200 published scientific references to give you the confidence that what you are reading is well researched, proven and valid.



“I am a former ABCC amateur and WNBF pro competitor, a Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Practitioner, AA & BA in Physical Education, and have not been too impressed with the Cert programs, until now! I think this will be a Great course and will definitely set those of us that attain this Cert apart from the rest!”

Thanks again!
in Muscle and Health,

Suzanne Butler



Are you curious as to how winning bodybuilders get into such extraordinary shape…six pack abs, extreme muscularity, great proportion and size…they just look fantastic!

Well, for the first time you can have that edge…the same one that those in the winners circle have jealously guarded for years and kept to themselves. The IAPC Bodybuilding Course will let you in on all the secrets to help your dream become a reality…and fast.


This is the first and only course of its type in the world. It will take you by the hand and lead you step by step on what needs to be done to become a Champion. Everything you need to know and more importantly…do! From the basics of training and diet, right through to the little known secrets and techniques which up till now have been known only to a relatively select handful of people. You owe it to yourself (or clients) to do this course.

This unique and powerful course can take anyone from a beginner through to a professional in record time…thus saving you years of trial and error. No more will you be frustrated by not knowing what to do…this course lays out the exact steps you need to take and when.



“Thank you for your sharing your experience and taking the hard work out of experimenting with diets and training techniques.”

Ivan Murray
North Nowra (NSW), Australia



Why not take the guesswork, uncertainty and indecisions that have been haunting you, out of the equation?

What do you do when a client asks a question you don’t know the answer to…admit you don’t know, or make up an answer…?

Well after this course you’ll know the answers. No more vague umming, ahhring, staring at the ceiling and scratching your head…and coming out with clichés like “everyone’s different”…while inside your mind frantically scrambles, trying to make up or come up with a plausible answer or solution to your clients question or problem.

Let’s face it…no one wants to admit they don’t know or do not have all the answers…that’s human nature and only natural. Wouldn’t it be great to know all the answers and be a Specialist in physique transformation and bodybuilding contest preparation?



“I have been training for over 10 years, competitively competing forapproximately 3 years. I am “VicFit” accredited in Gym Instruction and Personal Training, continually researching and studying to further improve and increase my knowledge and skills. To date, I have never read anything so detailed and informative, with various tactics used to enhance one’s look, performance, and mental attitude (and it’s all in the one text!). This is definitely worth the read and study.”

Karoline Cerin
East Keilor, Victoria

karoline_cerin_b_wJANUARY 2016 UPDATE…

“I have been involved with Natural Body Building and Sculpting for over 20 years, and began competing in 2002. As an accredited Personal Trainer since 2003, I have studied extensively and am always researching for further ways to fine tune the performance and appearance of not only myself, but also for my clients.

I have found that the I.A.P.C Course has been the most detailed, informative and specific text ever provided! It provides various tactics to enhance one’s look and performance, and teaches the importance of mental attitude.

Since completing the course, I applied my knowledge and won the 2007 Vic Open Figure title, and then 2 weeks later took out the Asia Pacific Open Figure title with almost 50 females through all the Figure divisions. I was also awarded Best Routine. Since then, I competed 8 more times, WON 4 titles through Asia-Pacific and Nationals, and was runner up in a further two in the Figure as well as Fit Body divisions. I was also awarded the amazing entitlement of World Pro Card holder with WNBF in 2008.

It was great to implement much of what I had learnt throughout the course!

Thank You
Karoline Cerin




At the end of successfully completing the course and examination you will be presented with a certificate, which will identify you as a Master Physique Trainer with the latest techniques/knowledge/skills on Bodybuilding contest preparation.


Click here to download a pdf file of a partial Course Index



  • Introduction
  • Profile of Course Designers


  • Lesson 1 Psychology of Winning
  • Lesson 2 Monitoring Tools and Methods
  • Lesson 3 Body Types
  • Lesson 4 Training Principles
  • Lesson 5 Nutrition and Diets
  • Lesson 6 Ergogenic Aids and Supplementation


  • Lesson 7 Philosophy – Is Bodybuilding Posing an Art?
  • Lesson 8 Stage Domination
  • Lesson 9 Posing for the Symmetry Round of Judging
  • Lesson 10 Posing for the Muscularity Round of Judging
  • Lesson 11 Preparing your Individual Routine


  • Lesson 12 Manipulation Techniques
  • Lesson 13 Personal Appearance
  • Lesson 14 Contest Day Mind Power
  • Lesson 15 Obtain a Winning Pump
  • Lesson 16 20 Point Check List
  • Lesson 17 Long Distance Contest Travelling


  • Lesson 18 Choosing an Organization and Division
  • Lesson 19 General Rules and Regulations
  • Lesson 20 Judging Criteria
  • Lesson 21 Drug Testing


This academic course raises the credibility for the sport



“Excellent course and extremely interesting full great proven points and ideas which made it easy to read and learn. Thorough exam, which helped, get the knowledge to stay in and not go out the other side.”

Vee McKey
St Georges, Bermuda



This is truly a Bodybuilders blueprint for success…

Imagine getting in the shape of your life…standing shoulder to shoulder with the best of the best…and winning. Turn your dreams into reality with “The Official Guide to Bodybuilding Success.”

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn from the comprehensive course…

Learn how you can get your body fat down to all time low levels…and retain your muscle mass at the same time. Pack on more muscle naturally than you ever thought possible…Utilise secret techniques only known to a few of the elite, which authors Richard and Wayne have developed and gleaned off other World Masters.

Don’t leave success to chance…don’t learn the hardest way – from trial and error…not with this course now available where you can learn from the Greats what to do…and what not to do.

There is currently nothing in the marketplace…none…as comprehensive, cohesive and focussed on delivering to you what you’re after…results! Winning results…everyone is different…this course explains the differences…and what will be best for YOU! This is your bodybuilding blueprint for success.

Your contest success bible…


“I have to say that this was a very informative course. I was impressed to see information resulting from actual tests performed by the authors and particularly in relation to females. There are so many resources aimed at the Male bodybuilder that also prescribe methods that are completely unsuitable to the female form. Well done on providing a valuable and informative resource that I plan on using quite a bit in my future endeavours.”

Louise Vu-Duy
Melbourne, Australia

“This course has been amazing, so much information and knowledge to learn. Before was 238.5 lbs, 32% body fat and 36 years old from one source is rare. I highly recommend this course to every personal trainer and competitive athlete, you will learn sport nutrition and many many things that were left out of your other courses, I know this personally as other courses left me feeling cheated of knowledge in many different areas and this fills the gaps nicely. I feel I can train my clients for whatever it is they are looking to achieve. I am a competitive bodybuilder and certified personal trainer and most courses that I have taken leave out all the sport nutrition and body typing and carb loading and the list goes on and on, my advice buy this course and you will gain knowledge and remember knowledge is power, continue to educate yourself and your clients.”

Darcy Dvornek
Calgary (Alberta) Canada




Money Back GuaranteeIf you don’t save years of trial and error and embarrassment…if you don’t quickly learn all the insider tips and tricks to build a fantastic physique… and if your satisfaction and business success doesn’t soar, while your frustration disappears…simply return the course contents in good condition and we’ll refund your complete purchase price, no time limit, no questions asked.



It is simply the most comprehensive work on the subject ever written…

Up until now any bodybuilder or personal trainer wanting to learn this information would take them years on their own (and they still wouldn’t know everything that’s in the course). The only other alternative would be to pay an elite bodybuilding personal trainer (who are hard to come by and expensive). This would be time consuming and expensive. For example, even if you could get access to one, and they looked after you price wise by only charging, say, $75 per hour, (Richard Hargreaves charges $200 per hour.) You would be looking at paying $1800 (12 weeks x 2 sessions per week x $75). And you still wouldn’t get absolutely everything you need to know…and you would have to remember it all from verbal communication.

This course is much better and more comprehensive than any information available on the market today. It has taken thousands of hours to research and prepare. Months of burning midnight oil and painstaking attention to detail. It’s worth more than $1800 (but you won’t have to pay anything near that). Not only do you get more info/value than 12 weeks of elite personal training…you have a permanent reference work to draw upon (no-one’s memory is perfect…and why would you want to rely on memory when you can have it all written in easy to follow step-by-step instructions) But we want to offer great value for money and over deliver.




“Fantastic information – look forward to putting both training and diet-preparation into practice. I learnt a lot from the course. Already being a Personal Trainer, my knowledge has now widened into a new field of expertise: adds value to my business. Thank you.”

Ian Howie
North Lakes (QLD), Australia

Think of it this way…at a rate of $55/hr….if you just train one new client only twice per week for just 12 weeks leading up to a contest…that’s $1,320 less the course fee …you’ll be well ahead…and if you train more than one new client and train them more frequently…and to continue to train them after the show…well I’ll leave that up to your imagination on how much it’s worth.
Not to mention the extra prestige you and your business receive when you start churning out physique champions! Soon word of mouth will have you so busy you won’t have time to scratch…but that’s a good problem to have because then you can put your price up…and start getting paid what you really deserve.
Over the period of a year, the cost of the IAPC course works out at just 82 cents per day!

This course offers sensational value…you will rapidly and easily increase your knowledge and skills to be able to command a higher price. The more you understand just how valuable our product could be to your personal training business, the less you think about delaying this important purchase.


“The day I received the course I immediately put the concepts to work on my PT clients. The results have been excellent. The knowledge I’ve gained from this has translated into 5 more new clients this week alone! I urge all of you out there looking for ‘the edge’ to buy the course.”

Lucas McLaren
Morphett Vale (SA), Australia



The course can be done anytime…part time, full time, spare time…The course is done “home study” style and is estimated to take 60 hours to study. Complete the exam when you are ready and return it to the IAPC to receive your IAPC Bodybuilding Contest Preparation Certificate to display on your wall.

Here are just some random snippets of what you will learn…
check-listHow to determine which bodytype you belong to…and how to tailor your training and eating to maximise results

check-listLearn three factors vital in pre-contest dieting…and how neglecting them could cost you dearly

check-listLearn three contest diets…and how to choose which is best for you

check-listHow to pump up correctly on the day…by bringing up lagging body parts to make your body look well balanced…and to give you the best chance possible of impressing the judges and winning

check-listWhy “pear” shape women are best suited for interval training…and what exercises they absolutely must avoid

check-listHow to overcome oedema (water retention)…what causes it…how to master the effects of Aldosterone…how to reverse it to look more defined than ever

check-listLearn how and what judges think…so you can influence them!

check-listHow to spot the Mind games and sneaky tricks others may play on you at a contest…and what you can do to counter them and use to your advantage

check-listLearn what percentage bodyfat male and female competitors they look best at…and why novice women shouldn’t go too low

check-listLearn a single simple method to improve your appearance…the quickest technique to make your physique look better overnight

check-listHow you can quickly, safely and effectively get the body and digestive system performing at maximum efficiency on the inside! This can literally explode your muscle growth within three days through greater nutrient uptake and digestive efficiency

check-listSpecial optimal warm-up technique can increase your bench press by 20 pounds…instantly!

check-listLearn an amazingly effective technique which really brings out the muscularity and definition in your upper body

check-listLearn the 10 Attributes of a bodybuilding champion and how you can cultivate these habits to become a winner too

check-listThe best methods for assessing your physique and how to use them optimally

check-listHow you can determine which organisation to compete with is best for you

check-listHow to use visualisation and self image mastery to achieve spectacular results

check-listHow to use the Psychology of Winning to put your success on autopilot

check-listLearn which bodytype the high protein/low carbohydrate diet suits best…and who should avoid it if they want optimal results

check-listLearn a little known secret that can naturally utilise the effects of Human Growth Hormone and IGF-1 and take your muscle growth to the next level

check-listUnderstand the structure of a muscle, and why stretching can explode your muscular gains and give your body an “unreal” look

check-listLearn the Top 10 muscle building principles for bodybuilding to put you on a short-cut to success

check-listHow to use the power of the mind to make instant changes in behaviour…and break free of limiting actions and replace bad habits with goal achieving conditioning

check-listThe importance of photographic records…and how they can make you a lot of money

check-listThe vital importance of understanding somatotyping (body types) in choosing the best training program and diet for females

check-listWhen to utilise interval training…and how the typical 30 minute cardio duration is not enough for lower-body fat release…

check-listLearn how often a training program should be changed…and why… if you want maximum results

check-listLearn how many times a bodypart should be trained per week…and how training too frequently could be crippling your gains

check-listHeavy weights verses high reps…which training method is best suited to you

check-listLearn an incredibly effective fat burning alternative to “aerobics”…which will “hold” muscle while the body burns fat

check-listHow to utilise a simple three-Step cleansing routine before commencing any Contest Diet that can boost your results dramatically

check-listLearn how a certain oil can enhance insulin sensitivity within muscle cells while stimulating steroid production

check-listLearn the importance of selecting the right supplements so won’t get you banned from a natural competition

check-listThe four absolutely essential supplements that you cannot afford not to use…and how to utilise them for maximum results

check-listLearn how you can use protein to aid fat loss

check-listLearn which type of protein is best for training…and how it increases energy and glycogen storage

check-listLearn a neat little trick to make a delicious high protein, low fat, low carb “cream” to make dieting easier and more effective

check-listLearn the importance of supplement synergy…and how one technique can increase protein uptake by 400% (better than steroids!)

check-listLearn how stacking and timing can multiply the effects of certain supplements…and how you can apply it to your contest preparation

check-listLearn what single supplement can provide you with these 10 benefits…

  • Increased Definition
  • Increased Vascularity
  • Greater Pump
  • Increased Fat Burning
  • Increased Workload Capacity
  • Increased Endurance
  • Increased VO2 Max (Oxygen uptake)
  • Increased Workout Intensity
  • Increased Alertness and Concentration
  • Less Perceived Effort

check-listSimple tips and tricks you can use to win over the judges…and get them on your side

check-listLearn how to choose your poses, music, and put it into a routine that suits you as an individual

check-listLearn how to stand and present yourself on stage to dominate your opposition

check-listLearn how to avoid falling victim to the number one reason why some people can never get ripped

check-listLearn a neat and safe trick for the abdominals that when done right can pull skin tight and help you win your show…but if done wrong…can make you look worse and get you banned! don’t worry, we show you the right way!)

check-listLearn six valuable tips on manipulating fluid (water), sodium, potassium and carbohydrates to ensure you hit your peak on the day of the show

check-listHow to use sodium to create a diuretic action

check-listHow to combine carbohydrates, sodium and water manipulation synergistically to provide a definitive winning edge

check-listHow you can get a deep tan safely…no matter what your skin type is

check-listThe four absolutely essential supplements that you cannot afford not to use…and how to utilise them for maximum results

check-listLearn how you can use protein to aid fat loss

check-listOne tanning method to avoid at all costs…unless you want to be at a severe disadvantage!

check-listHow to choose a posing costume that enhances your individual physique…get this wrong and you could make yourself look out of balance

check-list11 grooming and presentation pointers that cumulatively add up and can have a big impact on your appearance on the day of the show

check-listLearn what bodyparts to pump to look huge with separation, cuts and veins…and what to avoid pumping to avoid appearing out of balance and smooth

check-listHow to use the pain/pleasure principle to accelerate your gains and make success automatic

check-listWhy breaking self defeating bad habits alone is not enough…and what you can do about it to guarantee success


“I absolutely loved reading this coursebook and have not missed a page! I was pleased to see that the training that I did with my coach in preparation for my successful competition was reflected throughout the book. I now have a deeper understanding of the process of the work that we did and can apply this broader knowledge to my future competitions as well as to prepare others as a coach. Thank you.”

Viktoria Mravcova
Hillsdale, (NSW), Australia


“The information packed into this course is invaluable. Having been a lifelong bodybuilder myself and having already produced champion competitors, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. After completing this certification course I recommend it highly not only for competitors, but also for trainers and all those wanting a deeper and richer knowledge of contest preparation. This course can save competitors and trainers years of unnecessary “hit or miss” type regimens and protocols. Everything from mindset, nutrition, diet and training… through to supplementation and posing — it’s all detailed and laid out comprehensively, yet explicitly. This course is one of a kind and a must read for the competitor and/or trainer!”

Tony DiCostanzo
Founder/Head Trainer: DreamBodies BTS
DreamBodies Body Transformation Systems
Long Island, New York U.S.A

“I have only just started competing in the bodybuilding competitions as a figure model but have been training for quite some time. I am a personal trainer part time and I run HIIT classes. I have found this course to be extremely informative, interesting and easy to read and follow. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to compete or is competing and wants extra knowledge around nutrition, posing, stage presentation etc. This course will assist me in my own competition preparation as well as my stage presentation and posing technique. It will also assist me in helping my own clients reach their goals of competing. This course is definitely jam packed with information that can assist you to bring out your best package on stage. Thanks Heaps”

Kathy Isaacson
Salisbury Downs, Adelaide

“This course has been fantastic in determining why my last personal trainer was hopeless. Just because it worked for him, nothing was working for me. We had different body types, we had different metabolism levels, we had different mental outlooks, we had different food likes and dislikes and even the training suited his body type but not mine. I now feel confident within myself now to prepare for the next competition, especially with the vast array of information provided within the course that is so hard to find in books and on the internet (that was in a layman’s language).”

Christine Whimpey
Moorabbin, Australia

“What a fantastic informative course. I have taken my knowledge to the next level.”

Tammy Howe
Mount Gambier (SA), Australia

“I have tested this course on myself first, saw fantastic results then proceeded to use it on clientele not just for bodybuilding prep but also for transformations. I have achieved phenomenal results for everybody from competitive bodybuilders to beginners. The course detail taught me to be able to explain in a simple and effective way to help clientele understand what they were doing, which I believe was the key success point in their transformations. This course is great and recommend it to any personal trainer or fitness enthusiast.”

Richard Collins
Melville, Perth, Australia

“I have very much enjoyed this course and for the first time I have been able to have the entire start to finish education of competition prep. I have competed in figure twice and have used several different trainers over the past few years and it is simply amazing how the views on comp prep are so varied among trainers. Having gone through the actual prep twice, in most cases the process is taken too extreme and I found on my own and in this course that it does not need to be like this. This should be an enjoyable process and quite often it is far from that and I now know that it does not need to be that way. This course has given the real science and process from start to finish in a manner that provides individuality, without ridiculous extremes and allowing for an enjoyable journey to the stage in a healthy way.”

Karen Finch
Ontario (NY), USA

“I really enjoyed the course. I have been looking for something like this for a long time. It is well put together.”

Suzanne DeHaven
Redondo Beach (CA), USA

“I found this course informative and invaluable as a competitive bodybuilder and trainer. I have already put to use many of the principles and techniques that I have learned from this course with my clients and as well in my personal bodybuilding career.”

Aaron Powell
Miami (FL), USA

“I found the content of the course package extensive. It provides clear and concise actions to follow.”

Kevin Anderson
Townsville (QLD), Australia

“This course was very informative. It would be most beneficial especially for beginners (such as myself) and also for those who live in a remote area or who don’t have a great mentor, such as Harry Haureliuk!”

Paul McKew
Isabella Plains (ACT), Australia

“I am not a personal trainer, and I don’t even work in the fitness industry. I work, I have a young active family and I study. I also love looking after myself and keeping fit (and meeting new friends along the way). This course has been a terrific motivator and I will use the tools when I decide to compete in my next bodybuilding contest – when my life isn’t so hectic. Along the way I will use the advise and knowledge gained by the course to assist me in my training and sustain a healthy lifestyle for myself and family, and also help friends of mine who have shown an interest in the sport. As a busy woman of 40, this type of training and thinking is something I know I can carry on with for years to come, and not suffer from physical stress related problems. It was a great idea to create this course. Thanks.”

Debra Jones
Gilmore (ACT), Australia

“I found the manual very informative and easy to read”

Maria Barba
Hampton (Vic) Australia

“I enjoyed completing the course; it was both interesting and very informative.I am looking forward to putting into practice the valuable information I have gained, thank you.”

Scheryl Gleschen
Maffra (Vic), Australia

“The course is very good. I learnt a lot from it. I do believe that anybody can benefit from this course.”

David Barry
Milperra (NSW), Australia

“I found the content of the package to be very informative, easily understood and a great additive to the limited knowledge I have. Extremely helpful in every aspect of bodybuilding. Thank you so much.”

Bev Lindley (Tri-Life Personal Training)
Townsville (QLD), Australia

“I found this course very informative in every aspect of being a bodybuilder. I have been competing for nearly 5 years now and before this course I relied on my Trainer for diet and competition information. This year (with the help of my husband who is completing a sports nutrition course) we will be doing the diets ourselves. Although I started to panic on the low protein levels (but using at least 2gms per kilo) and reading and completing this course has helped me relax a bit. This year it’s trial and error and hopefully I’ll come through. I especially liked and used the Stage Presentation information in Dubbo and Sydney contests this year and found I got the judges attention. Thanks for putting the course together. My friend is going to compete this course now too. Thanks again.”

Kelly Adams
Glenmore Park (NSW), Australia

“Being on the journey to know the truth and facts this course helps me a lot to make up my mind about some myths. Work with a lot of women and it really gave me some insight to train them differently depending on bodytype.”

Wilma Geyser
Fairland, South Africa

“I thought the course was great because it teaches you info that isn’t common knowledge, for example the manipulation techniques to trick your body into doing something.”

Dan Lester (Dans Direct Fitness)
Redwood Park (SA), Australia

“Really good and worthwhile course. I found it really helped me to prepare well for my competition and gave me all the extra knowledge I needed to know as a Personal Trainer.”

Greg Maserow
Morley (WA), Australia

“The course was great. Competing myself, it has helped me redefine my program. The information opened my eyes, everyone is different and you have to adjust programs to suit the individual. Thanks!”

David Illingworth
Kariong (NSW), Australia

“I purchased your book on Bodybuilding and Contest Preparation and I would like to thank you very much. I have read it from cover to cover and have learnt so much more about bodybuilding. I have followed the dieting and training programs which have made a vast improvement on my physique since last year. There are so many helpful hints and tips on how to improve yourself in body and in mind, to me it was money well spent!!
Thanks once again.”

Ray Langford
Mount Waverley (VIC), Australia
(Winner of the 2006 INBA over 50 Victorian Bodybuilding Championships


“I have really enjoyed seeing this from another perspective and will take onboard many new ideas.”

Jo (Joanne) Morris
Surrey Hills (VIC), Australia

“Great course. Recommended to all competitors and Trainers involved in bodybuilding”

Anthony Cesana
Mill Park (VIC), Australia

“I found this course to be extremely in-depth covering every aspect of competitive bodybuilding. It has helped me especially with my own preparation and given me knowledge to pass on to my clients who wish to compete. “

Shane Phillips
Sunbury (VIC), Australia

“This is the ultimate book every serious Personal Trainer and Bodybuilder should keep in their library. It is the “BIBLE” for bodybuilders. Congratulations to the authors for detailing such a comprehensive and yet easy to follow manual.”

Weng Lim
MSc Dip. Remedial Therapy, Preston (VIC), Australia

“Very informative. Well worth doing. Can apply a lot of information to clients and get fantastic results.”

Anthony Goldsmith
Performants Personal Training, Southbank (VIC), Australia

“Good course. Learnt a lot. Had a lot of helpful contest hints and tips which I will implement next competition.”

Greg Brown
Katherine (NT), Australia

“The IAPC manual has been a great reference for myself and my personal training clients. The information it contains is based on science rather than someone’s “opinion”. I will use the information to take my physique and PT business to the next level!!”

James Trenow
Bunbury (WA), Australia

“Very Informative and as a competitor I learnt a lot about different diets and training for my bodytype.”

Pauline McCann
Wellington, New Zealand

“Great Course for everyone with an interest in bodybuilding. Extremely thorough text and CD.”

Steve McCann
Wellington, New Zealand

“Excellent. Learnt much about bodybuilding. Good overall coverage for both females and males.”

Sharon Stevenson
South Yarra (VIC), Australia

“I found the course to be a great resource both for assisting others and as a do it yourself guide, very thorough with a systematic approach to presenting information in a logical and methodical format.”

Louise Esplan
Pascoe Vale (VIC), Australia

“I have been personal training for many years and attended many courses. I would have to say this is the most comprehensive and clearly explained body of information on diet and exercise practises I have come across. Thank you.”

Sara Williams
Belgrave (VIC), Australia

“Great course.”

Kendal Frayer
Edmond, Oklahoma (USA)

“It’s easy to see why this course is so successful. I found it stimulating, interesting and easy to follow. Because of this, it was a pleasure to complete. A definite must for Personal Trainers wishing to take themselves/clients to the next level and beyond, in bodybuilding experience. I appreciate receiving this knowledge from the ‘best in the business’ and will recommend it to anyone interested, or involved, in muscular fitness.”

Monika Greich
South Yarra (VIC), Australia

“Excellent course content that covers every aspect of contest preparation. Clear, precise, easy to read. Excellent information that I continually refer back to – it’s my bodybuilding ‘bible’.”

Kim Hamilton
Dubbo (NSW), Australia

“This course was fantastic! I couldn’t put it down. I learnt a lot to help me with my own training and that of others. Great work!”

Esther Alexander
Brisbane (QLD), Australia

“I found the course to be informative and useful for my clients. The exam was challenging and made me consider each question and I would recommend it to any trainer wishing to train clients in bodybuilding.”

Gabe Nuspan
Melton (VIC), Australia

“I enjoyed this course so much, I didn’t want it to end. The information is invaluable, which I have already started to implement for myself, and can’t wait to apply to clients. This is definitely a specialised course and is a much needed additional certificate for personal trainers wishing to specialise in Bodybuilding Contest Preparation. I will be applying these principles, step by step, to compete in my first bodybuilding contest. Thank-you so much for your time and effort in putting this course together, I would highly recommend it.”

Caryn Jones
Anglesea (VIC), Australia

“I found the course easy to read and understand and well laid out. It contains a lot of information which was already known to me and it is always comforting to have your ideas affirmed, it also has a lot of information that was new to me and which I know I will be able to put to good use. It has given me the confidence to proceed with training others for competition as well as help with my own comp preparation. All things taken into account a well spent $400 and an excellent resource to keep and use.”

Paul Rauchwald
Geraldton (WA), Australia

“Course content was great. Provided extensive background and detail, it has provided me a totally different perspective of what the sport is all about.”

Colleen Leung
Epping (NSW), Australia

“Diet and nutrition information is excellent; interesting and easy to follow… Makes the nutrition part of pre contest preparation almost a breeze! Different Training programs for different body types has been very useful as we are all different and respond to different intensities, frequency and types of training. An excellent reference and resource to be able to continually refer to.”

Odette Lydford
Kawana Island, Sunshine Coast (QLD), Australia

“An excellent resource that provides a holistic approach to competition preparation. A sensational tool for competitors and trainers to use.”

Dianna Broeren
(QLD), Australia

“As a Personal Trainer, and someone who has a passion for bodybuilding, I have found this course to be very informative and educational, great for Trainers who haven’t competed themselves, but also beneficial for competitors also. Any Personal Trainer or competitor should definitely do this course if they want to be successful in the sport.”

Tim Diegan
Williamstown (VIC), Australia

“I found this course extremely valuable in learning about the preparation for contests, especially as I have no previous knowledge in this regard and I now feel more comfortable about competing for the first time later this year.”

Daniel Turner
Port Lincoln (SA), Australia

“The course material was great! Easy to understand, interesting to read and very practical. I am a fitness professional and was initially unsure of how much I could learn from it and I’ve learnt more than I ever imagined I would. I am putting the information straight to use with the clients I am currently training. Top job. I loved it, sure makes studying fun and exciting.”

Cameron Wilson
Northmead (NSW), Australia

“A great combination of technical material with a pragmatic approach. After 15 years of training I have been meaning to summarise my various notes, articles from magazines and knowledge built up over this time, the course and manual have saved me months of doing it myself.”

Gregory Will
Freshwater (NSW), Australia

“As a Personal Trainer and competitive bodybuilder with an eye for physique talent and coaching future competitors, I am exceptionally pleased to have completed this superb course. It is more – much more than just “Personal Training”! This course has taught me more and also reinforced my methods used competitively in what I was coached in doing for my first competition two years ago at age 48 years old! Placing second in the IFBB Over 40’s under 80KGS! Physique training, lifestyle and wellness is my passion and I live it.”

Robert Blake
Kloof, South Africa

“Extremely informative, as a amateur competitor I have been asking detailed questions to pro competitors for quite some time in regards diets, supplementing etc and I was never given any answers let alone detailed answers that I understood. This course explained the answers to my questions regarding competing in detailed form that is easily understood. This information will benefit me enormously when I compete next and now I can accurately answer so many of the questions that others ask me. So thank you for this course, it must be one of the most informative and detailed courses available on the market I have EVER seen.”

Rebecca Leane
Mildura (VIC), Australia

“My name is Georgie Leake and I have been a Personal Trainer since my athletic career ended in 2000. This course has been of greats benefit to me as a trainer and a competitor. I have learnt invaluable knowledge as far as training techniques, nutrition, dieting, water depletion, tips on posing and the list goes on. Thank you again for such a great read and excellent source of information as I enjoyed it thoroughly!”

Georgie Leake
Labrador (QLD), Australia

“I think this course is a fantastic learning tool to help bodybuilders achieve maximum success.”

Eric Neal
Morgantown (WV), USA

“The course was informative and worthwhile. It was well laid out, easy to understand and provided many small tips that, when combined, is aimed at producing a physique on stage in tip top form.”

Ingrid Barclay
Corio (VIC), Australia

“I recently purchased your physique conditioning course and it arrived this past Friday May 9th 2008, i spent all weekend going through it, i was so excited at the size of the book alone as i am currently enrolled in canfit-pro and there book arrived Friday as well but is nowhere near the size of yours and in my estimation no where near as complete when it comes to diet and body typing and contest prep! Canfit pro is a course to become a certified personal trainer here in Canada and is very well regarded, but your course will put me that much further ahead of the other trainers in many ways, i currently work as a trainer at world health club and one of the female trainers has asked me if i would trainer her for a bodybuilding contest !!! Wow it is very informative and complete, so much i did not know or understand, even as a competitive bodybuilder myself!!!! I notice in the back of the book where the exam is that you can send the test to me via email in a word document, i would love for you to do that as it would make it so much easier for me with school and my personal training business.
Thank you so much”

Darcy Dvornek
Calgary (AB), Canada

“This course is a must for all Trainers. I have gained an abundance of knowledge and I look forward to competing with the principles that are covered in this great course.”

Steve Praljak
Kensington (VIC), Australia

“Excellent information and great to read. This course gave me a good understanding of competing in figure – every single step that I need to know to get on stage!! Love it!! Thank you!!”

Jeannie Lin
New South Wales, Australia

“Attention anyone who is interested in bodybuilding or re-shaping the physique! The best thing you can do for yourself is to purchase, read and study the IAPC Course. Knowledge is power – so read this!”

Ineka Little
(100% Exam Score), Geelong (VIC), Australia

“I found the information in this course to be extremely valuable. I look forward to utilising what I learnt in this course in the future. Thanks IAPC for doing a great job.”

Harley Grosser
Cherrybrook (QLD), Australia

“This is an amazing course! I have gained a great deal of information about bodybuilding contest preparation. This course has given me the tools and knowledge to succeed in bodybuilding and has taught me the importance on focusing on what goals lay ahead for me in the present time. I am excited about competing and helping others achieve their physical goals. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is interested in learning more about bodybuilding and contest preparation. You will be highly impressed!”

Vince Buono
Edmonton (Alberta), Canada

“The whole course was amazing, I can not say enough good about it, it has taught me more than I ever thought possible, all in one source.”

Darcy Dvornek
Calgary (Alberta) Canada

“I really want to thank you for making this course. This course is such a great course and I have learnt a lot from it. I wish you the best of luck on helping more people success in bodybuilding and health.”

Salvius Lau
Mongkok, Hong Kong

“The course prepares you for anything that Trainer or Coach may encounter with a client. The thoroughness of the course is phenomenal. Not only was the information of high quality, but the credibility of the course has increased my credibility as a Personal Trainer. I not only have many more clients since doing the course, but I am helping people achieve high quality, amazing physiques. A real tribute to the course.”

Matt McCormack
Belfield (NSW), Australia

“Thank you so much for this course, it’s the best. This is a start for me to become a Personal Trainer (something I’ve always wanted to do). October 2008 will be my third contest and with the help from your course I know I’m going to come in better this time. THANK YOU!!! I have learnt so much.”

Cherylynn Boyd
Tumut (NSW), Australia

“Completing this course gave me all the knowledge required to confidently educate and train my clients who are interested in competing in the world of Bodybuilding. This course comprehensively covers all areas of Bodybuilding Contest Preparation and goes where no other training package has gone before. I would recommend this course as a “must” for all personal trainers, bodybuilding competitors and anyone else interested in this sport.”

Matthew Marth
Westmeadows (VIC), Australia

“The course has been fantastic in providing the information/knowledge to take your business to a new level. I have been working in the industry for 8 years and have competed in Bodybuilding myself. This year I had my first client go on stage whilst completing the course. It gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to train and prepare my client to this level. Not only will this course be valuable for contest prep but for my whole clientele. The course provides you with great training principles, nutritional information and very useful tips you would probably never come across. Have enjoyed the course as it’s easy to read and able to do it at your pace. Highly recommended to trainers wanting to grow their business/knowledge in other areas.”

Kim Henkelman
Graceville (QLD), Australia

“Wow is all I can say, this course is the bomb and takes the guess work out of it. The knowledge that I have gained I have put into practice and have just won the Australian Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine Body Transformation of the month. I can only get better – thanks to this course. I will be putting my knowledge into practice to transform other people’s lives. To me this is the Bible of Bodybuilding. I thought the course was fantastic. By having this knowledge thanks to the years of study and success from the founders of IAPC I can only improve and grow and turn other people’s lives around.”

Stacey Savage
Beenleigh (QLD), Australia

“Great course to do for anyone involved in the fitness industry.”

Liam Carrick-Ryan
Mooroolbark (QLD), Australia

“I want to congratulate you and all who helped you prepare this wonderful course. It is obvious that it took a lot of effort , time and hard work to put it all together . The course is very informative, straightforward, educational and easy to follow, refreshing even for people already in professional bodybuilding. You have covered all important aspects and issues in bodybuilding and contest preparation. All these makes it very successful . In conclusion, well done!”

Prof. Dr.Varant Z. Seropian

“There are two main things that set this course apart from most other sources of information:
1. It is set in clear and concise layman’s terms which are easy to read.
2. It explains and denotes correct methods using referenced evidence and study. Pros and Cons are mentioned equally which allow the reader to use their own logic and judgment.
I should have bought this course years ago. I highly recommend it to all.”

Eric Soong
Doncaster (VIC), Australia

“Awesome course. Not only to get others ready for competition but for myself. I thought I knew a lot of contest preparation but I was clearly wrong. Thanks IAPC for an interesting, well designed course!”

James Basson
(Margate) South Africa

“A good collective of useful information making this an interesting and enjoyable course.”

Grace Crossland
Wide Bay (QLD), Australia

“I found this course to be quite easy to read and uncomplicated. Everything was explained so even the ‘everyday person’ can understand it. I am preparing for my first comp in May 2010. I’m a PT and I found the information to be extremely useful, helpful and I feel confident that I could teach/help others with this knowledge that I now have. And what’s even better is I now have a qualification to do this! Thanks heaps.”

Nancy Callaghan
Townsville (QLD), Australia

“Such an inspiring and informative course, really couldn’t put the manual down- and still can’t. All aspects are clearly set out with nothing being left out to second guess or chance- will certainly be promoting this course to all I know! Currently putting all new knowledge into practise and seeing great change happening. Many thanks.”

Natalie Rouse
Herefordshire (England) UK

“The course was very informative. It explains the different nutrition and training programs according to your bodytype, rather than just one-size-fits-all. I have used one of the weight training programs and I was impressed (not to mention other people as well!) by the muscle I have gained. I have learnt so much, which would have been great before my last competition and look forward to putting everything into practice for my next competition. I have the confidence that I can now educate my clients to be the best that they can.”

Brenda Milne
Shepparton (VIC), Australia

“I’ve purchased bodybuilding books at the book store, but the information enclosed has always been vague. The IAPC is geared with Awesome information! IAPC unfolds bodybuilding secrets from supplements, Nutrition, exercise, posing, and my favourite, secrets to manipulate supplements and food. My motivation has sky-rocket after embracing IAPC information. I’m at the gym early morning hitting it heavy And take in full accountability that my circadian rhythm clock is ticking so now, I know when I need to take my supplement.”

Heriberto Macedo
(USS Cleveland) ,USA

“A very informative course. I have found out a lot of useful information which I look forward to putting into practice in my business!”

Kelly Walker
Morningside (QLD), Australia

“I have found the course “amazing” and have gained so much knowledge in every lesson. I have read each lesson three or more times and certain parts untold times. The course is now my BIBLE for myself and my clients and I constantly refer to it, especially now coming up to my first bodybuilding contest. The information cannnot be read enough.”

Michael Cutts
Armidale (NSW), Australia

“Have been in the industry for a lot of years. Have competed in both bodybuilding and powerlifting. This course answered a lot of questions for me. Well worth the money and a great source of knowledge to always have on hand. As a Personal Trainer and still a competitive bodybuilder, I will constantly have this book close to me for reference.”

Dale Leonard
Mildura (VIC), Australia

“After trying to digest and filter through millions of bits of information provided by so many “experts” it is refreshing to have material that has been tried and tested with enormous results for bodybuilders. I have suffered from bad advice on dieting and adopted the nutrition plans in the course with amazing results. I am competing in my first comp on the 1st May with much more confidence & enthusiasm. I am a personal trainer as well as owning Mick & Colleen’s Fitness Centre and will be advising clients on this model of training. Thanks Wayne & Richard.”

Colleen Cutts
Armidale (NSW), Australia

“This course enabled me to essentially bypass all the “BS” surrounding this industry and therefore I was able to cut to the chase with my own training. There are so many so called experts out there saying “Do this, Do that”, as well as lots of myths and one can easily get overloaded with too much of unnecessary information. The bonus for me is that I now have the right knowledge to help others and already my friends are constantly asking for my opinion to help them achieve their own fitness goals. I feel so empowered now and very excited about my journey towards competing for the first time.”

Lisa Wuersching
Bribie Island (QLD), Australia

“This course is great for those who are willing to gain more knowledge in areas of contest preparation, training psychology, nutrition and training methods. I highly recommend it to those in the personal training/fitness industry. It’s very easy to read and understand everything in the book. Quite enjoyable. Thanks IAPC for this great course.”

Paul Watts
Algester (QLD), Australia

“I would recommend this course to anyone wanting that deeper knowledge to compete or helping others do so. This course answered everything needed to step on stage in your optimal condition. IAPC have put together an invaluable course. Thanks.”

George Saragas
Chevron Island (QLD), Australia

“The most amazing course I’ve participated in to further increase my knowledge base to help myself in bodybuilding competitions. The course is a must for the beginner to advanced competitor!”

Daniel Milford-Robertson
Bairnsdale (VIC), Australia

“Loved the course. Great information and great understanding of bodybuilding techniques and tricks to get the advantages off-season, on-season and even on stage.”

Justin Taylor
Bankstown (NSW), Australia

“This course is fantastic. I learnt a lot and now have the confidence to win my contest. I would highly recommend this amazing course to anyone who wants to gain their knowledge or wishes to learn more about bodybuilding preparation. Once again, thank you very much.”

Leong Wai Yong

“I found the course very helpful and useful. I used it to prepare for my contests with great success. The course helped to set out things that I was unsure about. I will be using similar techniques for future contests.”

Rick Scia Scia
Parkinson (ACT) Australia

“This is an easy to read course with tried and true methods which make sense. I used them on myself and noticed great gains and improvements. I would recommend this course to anyone involved in bodybuilding whether a competitor or a trainer.”

Jill Clark
Wanganui, New Zealand

“Excellent information – was detailed, technical yet still easy to follow and understand. Very relevant information – thank you for providing this course.”

Claire Johnson
Lane Cove (NSW) Australia

“Very well written and very informative. The best book on competition preparation I have read. Clear and concise. I thoroughly enjoyed completing this course.”

Michael Gregoriou
Derrimut, Victoria, Australia


“I thoroughly enjoyed the content covered in this course. After completing it, I definitely feel as though I have a distinct advantage in not only assisting my clients achieve their goals, but also for my own preparation. I’m looking forward to applying this knowledge to my next season of competition and producing a much more complete package when I next step on stage.”

Christopher Penfold
Sutherland shire (NSW) Australia


“I have been a trainer for many years since 2003 and was always in awe of the bodybuilder’s physique and their mental training to achieve their goals. I attended the All Female INBA contest and was amazed by their physiques. I just wanted to know everything there was to know about this new world and believe me it’s a difference world! Trawling the internet is time consuming, confusing and I didn’t know what to believe or where to start. By doing this course I believe I am getting the best information from a renowned and trusted source (Australian) and a great platform to build from. There is a lot of information here that I can now apply to my PT career and my own training straight away. I have so much more confidence being armed with the knowledge from the course, there were no grey areas, I feel the skies the limit. Thank you IAPC!”

Danielle Georganakis
Highett (VIC) Australia

“Absolutely amazing course! So well-designed for easy studying. Great knowledge and invaluable insight.”

Myra de Villers Kruger
Toronto, Canada

“As a figure competitor and someone who lives in a remote rural area it’s always more of a challenge to get help and advice when it comes to contest preparation. So to be able to prepare myself for competition not only makes my life easier but makes it a very satisfying and educational experience. Thank you.”

Nikki Croft
Inverloch (VIC) Australia

“The information contained within the pages of what i would call ‘the bible of bodybuilding contest preparation’, have been inspirational as well as filling in the gaps and blanks to what i thought was the perfect scenario. My clients and trainees will now be able to progress at a greater pace to reach their goals. This course has now inspired me to take on clients for competition and has also sparked an interest once again in competing. Thanks will never be enough to express how this course has changed me as a person and my future goals and aspirations.”

Victor Perez
Avondale Height (VIC) Australia

“I have learnt so much from reading through this course. The information has helped me to understand what my body needs for competition training and to understand the science behind the nutrition and training programmes I have been using. I found the Course enjoyable to read and I found that completing the Examination helped to deepen my understanding of the material in the Course. I have learnt so many new and useful information and tips from reading this material.”

Maureen Thomas
Wanganui, New Zealand

“The course was awesome, it really gave me a better perspective on what is needed to be done to be a success in the world of bodybuilding. I highly recommend that everyone give this certification a try – it will completely change the way you look at the sport and the competitors.”

Nicholas Huss
Sayreville (NJ) USA

“I thoroughly enjoyed your course. I gained knowledge that I will take with me both as a personal trainer and a competitive bodybuilder. I highly recommend this course to anyone regardless of the level of experience and knowledge they may have.”

Mate Radocaj
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

“A lot of great information, definitely learnt a lot and a lot to take away with me.”

Leon Stensholm
Mountain Creek (QLD), Australia

“I decided to complete this course to help me plan for my first INBA competition. The topics cover everything you need to prepare mentally and physically. I found it an invaluable tool in understanding the bio-chemistry within the body and how to diet efficiently and painlessly. I was able to put myself in a winning mindset, knowing what the judges would be looking for and how to present my body. Given this, I am very happy to report that I placed First in INBA Figure Novice Tall Class at the Queensland State Titles in September 2011.”

Lea Scales
Redcliffe (QLD) Australia

“Very in depth course and a fantastic tool to refer back to when coaching clients.”

Lauren Badman
Richmond (Victoria), Australia

“The course was absolutely fantastic. Very informative on all aspects of bodybuilding. Training, nutrition, supplements and competition. I will definitely and already have recommended this course.”

Leanne Ross
Caulfield (VIC), Australia

“Loved it. Very informative, expelled a lot of common myths, great explanations especially in the Nutrition area. Confirmed a lof of things for me and helped me understand the “WHY” we do things. “GREAT COURSE” “

Vickie Farrow
Wingham (NSW) Australia

“A very detailed, informative course which has helped lay the foundation for me as to what goes on before, during and after competitions. What’s expected of me and what I should expect. Explanations in laymans terms, I now feel confident and excited about entering many competitions and using my new found knowledge to help me. Thank you!! “

Michelle Hoskins
Castle Hill (NSW) Australia

“I am so glad that I came across this course, thanks to my figure coach suggesting it. I’m a personal trainer and this has supplemented my other education and training so well. Everything was easy to understand and well set out, and so informative and in depth! I took my book everywhere with me and filled out bits and pieces of the exam in-between clients. Even my colleagues at the gym have had a flick through and commented about how much valuable information is in this book. Thanks again! “

Krista Radford
Perth (WA) Australia

“I loved reading this book. I have been using it as my Bible. So much info in here. Unbelievable!”

Karren Dickson
Boorowa (NSW) Australia

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course and would highly recommend it to anyone who has a serious desire to enter and do well at bodybuilding contests. Completing the IAPC course has helped me to become a more effective Personal Trainer to my clients and wife who already competes in INBA contests!”

Gary Hinton
Currambine (WA) Australia

“I learnt a lot doing this course. I found it to be very informative and I really enjoyed participating. This will be very beneficial for my business as this is the path I wish to take to further my career as a Personal Trainer.”

Cindy Weston
Miranda (NSW) Australia

“Very good course and I recommend it to anyone considering competing or assisting someone to prepare for a Show. Do as I did, learn from the best and their combined knowledge and experience.”

David Wellings
Port Pirie (SA) Australia

“I strongly recommend the IAPC Bodybuilding and Contest Preparation Course to anyone who has an interest in bodybuilding or in health and fitness. I found the course material very easy to read and enjoyable.”

Katrin Hapala
Cronulla (NSW) Australia

“I found this course very informative and I’m sure I will use it regularly.”

Robyn Lawry
Middlemount (QLD) Australia

“WOW! What a course! A wealth of valuable information. I’m so glad I ran across your website. Can’t wait to put this knowledge to good use. The course is so thorough. I liked the way the course flowed from the conception of being a bodybuilder to the stage. Thanks to all who contributed to it. Oh yea, I love the word “Globesity”.”

Henry Mears
Fresno, California USA

“Excellent course, informative and educational providing sound science and in a practical manner. Highly recommended.”

Jacob Schepis
Essendon (VIC) Australia

“The course book is invaluable. The amount of information provided is incredible and has done brilliantly to answer all sorts of questions and scenarios. The exam has been well thought out, to cover all aspects of the required content and I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, which in turn, has given me a standard of greater knowledge.”

Jessica Sharp
Perth (WA) Australia

“I have learnt many new and interesting concepts and ideas through completing this course. I found the content extremely interesting and informative. I feel much more confident preparing myself and others to compete in this sport. I believe this course was worth every cent I paid for it and the knowledge I have gained I will continue to refer to the manual for inspiration and further knowledge. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to compete or train competitors.”

Dale Rogers
Narre Warren (VIC) Australia

“I found the course content was exactly what I needed to know. Everything was covered and more.”

Belinda Anderson
Denilliquin (VIC) Australia

“Very interesting and well written. Have now decided to take all the advice and compete for the first time.”

Joy Flint
Salamander Bay, Australia

“I have been competing in Bodybuilding competitions since 2003. Since completing the course I feel much more confident in contest preparation particularly in the area of nutrition. I found the course to be extremely interesting, very informative and will be an excellent reference for preparing myself and my clients for competition.”

Denise Deliseo
Townsville (QLD), Australia

“Found it extremely informative and reiterated prior learning information from ISSN and Metabolic Precision. Very well explained and a no frills explanation and implementation guideline. Loved it!”

Marcus Wilkinson
Melbourne (VIC), Australia

“Bodybuilding has always been my passion. This course has definitely provided me with a solid foundation towards my bodybuilding and personal training career. This course is well researched, it has a science & facts based approach, as it had the answer of all the questions I had on contest preparation. Highly recommended!”

Sean Tan
Success (SOR), WA, Australia


“This course was easy to follow, well designed and very informative. All information was useful and relevant to contest preparation. I would definitely recommend it to others.”

Heather Morgan
Seaford (Vic) Australia

“Its a great course!! It gave me all the knowledge I need for competing. It gave me also the confidence to get on stage. What I learnt definitely will help me to prepare myself for a future competition and also, will help me as a Trainer to get my clients in their best shape or if someone is considering to compete in a bodybuilding show.”

Rasha Bin-Eidan
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

“The course has helped me and my clients out greatly. We are all currently weeks away from our shows and we have been able to add great variety to our prep. Our options to attack the stage have increased tremendously.”

Vincent Grant
Houston, TX, USA

“I am competing in my first bodybuilding show later this year and have found this course has helped me gain an advantage in striving to achieve my leanest and most muscular body to date. The course has helped particularly iron out the myths of bodybuilding, from supplements, training, mindset and also help with pre and post contest organising. I can see myself also using this as a springboard to help others achieve their goals through my own Personal Training business….A must have qualification! Train to win! “

Ben Prescott
Terrigal (NSW), Australia

“It has been years since my bodybuilding career started and all I can remember back then was how frustrated I was trying to figure out my body type, what was the best workout and diet that would suit me best. Because of this course I am proud to say all my questions were answered! This course is just so informative! Not only does it provide you with workouts, nutrition, supplementation, contest rules and many more to list, but ultimately it starts the course off with motivation and the right mind set! Money well spent!”

Christopher Cheong
Frankston (Vic), Australia

“Very good information. Well Structured. Fantastic guide for anyone looking to learn about bodybuilding and contest preparation.”

Peter Hartwig
Jindalee (QLD), Australia
INBA Mr Queensland Overall Winner
INBA Men’s Class 1 Mr Australia 2012
Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement – Exercise Physiology)

“What a great course! This course is comprehensive and combined with some practical training with clients, I feel confident to help them enter their first competition with a winning attitude, well prepared bodies and knockout poses!”

Tova Gallagher
Hawkesbury (NSW), Australia

“I found this course extremely beneficial not only for myself, but when helping others prepare for competition. It cuts through all the smoke and mirrors and provides real information, backed up with science. I will benefit from the knowledge I have gained for years to come.”

Terry Gibbs
Sunnybank Hills (QLD), Australia

“I found the book really beneficial, even as a bikini competitor. Lots of great information, I’m really glad to have done the course. Thank you.”

Krista White
Port Lincoln (SA), Australia

“I competed in my first mens physique competition in 2012 and had no idea of all the little detailed tips that the IAPC course has now taught me. Absolutely had a great time and enjoyed reading through this course, for anyone debating whether on taking it or not, I highly recommend the IAPC course. Thank you IAPC and everyone involved for producing such knowledge when it comes to bodybuilding and contest preparation and providing us with all of it.”

Brandon Gachne
Loveland, CO, USA

“Great course. Loads of information and covered every aspect of competing.”

Tara Murray
Brisbane (QLD), Australia

“The real deal!!! Amazing game changer for both me and my clients.”

Lex Ronin
Richardson, Texas (USA)

“Very detailed and comprehensive course materials. Great for practical implementation.”

Amy Gerstl
Dover Heights (NSW), Australia

“I enjoyed this course. There is so much information I will be able to use training bodybuilders and non bodybuilders. I am 60 years old and just returned to physical activity 3 years ago. Two years ago I obtained my Cert IV in fitness. One of the unticked items on my bucket list is to compete in a bodybuilding contest. I would love to win, but even if I place last I will be an example to others in my age group.”

Neil Edward Gallier Jr
Castle Hill (NSW), Australia

“Great course, wish there was a course around like this in the 90’s. So much information, can’t wait to use it now that I’m 50.”

Mary Berecry
Strathalyn (SA), Australia

“Loved the course, it answered a lot of my questions and will help me as a personal trainer use the knowledge from the course to specialise in this area. When I was looking to compete I couldn’t find much specialised information out there. The course answered a lot of my questions and gave me a complete overview of bodybuilding and including all aspects from correct nutrition, training, preparation and competing. Because the information was from the IAPC I knew I could rely on it.”

Melanie Shortt
Moonee Ponds (Vic), Australia

“This was my first opportunity to be exposed to a course which could provide bodybuilding ways and methods. I came across a lot of things I didn’t know about and my mindset towards things I thought that were “simple” for bodybuildings are a lot more appreciated now. Bodybuilding has become more of a greater interest for me the more and more I read about it and think about it. I think this course is a good start and to give some exposure to stuff you should learn to lead into the bodybuilding path. I don’t regret doing it and reading is not my thing but when your keen to learn on a particular topic you will do it! I will definitely try to bring the stuff ive learnt into my on Personal Training Business with particular clients.”

Zeffie Halacas
Sydney (NSW), Australia

“This course is amazing!! Gone are the days of “Eat Big, Get Big!” This course really breaks it down step by step using experience and scientific value. I now have the upper hand!!”

Michael Mischefski
(VIC), Australia

“The course was extremely informative and made easy to understand. Every chapter had a piece of information. Nothing was boring or repetitive, it is a lifetime tool. Really enjoyed it. Thank You!

Emilie Bric
Scarborough (QLD), Australia

“I’m so glad I did this course! I learnt a lot of new information, but also I have learnt to trust what my body is telling me in response to training and diet changes. I feel like the “mental tests” that will present during the contest prep won’t throw me off because I will already expect and understand them.”

Stephanie Stewart
Pyrmont (NSW), Australia

“An excellent course, so much great information. This will really help to take things to the next level.”

Jodie Cowdrey
Kambalda (WA), Australia

“The book is very informative and I have learned a lot. I am excited to start incorporating some of my new knowledge!”

Ashlee Alfred
Killeen (TX), USA


“I really enjoyed the course. I loved studying, reading and learning it all. As a Bodybuilding and Figure competitor I recognised and related to it all. I can see how my Trainers have used the techniques and methods from the manual/course to prepare me for stage. I will certainly refer to the manual frequently.”

Debbie Andrews
Westfield (WA), Australia


“IAPC Bodybuilding contest preparation has helped me thoroughly understand how the body works! It will give you a full understanding of everything you will like to know as a personal trainer or bodybuilder. The ins and outs of competing, measuring, posing, supplements. You will not be disappointed!”

Kylie Dickers
Edinburgh (SA), Australia

“I was 140kg, and lost 40kgs and was stuck. I didn’t know where to go, or how I could learn about bodybuilding. Then I found this course, which saved me (literally). It has given me so much knowledge that took me some time to process it all. My body is looking better in very positive way and I’m doing my first competition in 60 days. Thank you so much for putting this course together. It has helped me so much, and has made things much clearer.”

Antony Rahme
Sydney (NSW), Australia

“I can honestly say that this program has helped expand my knowledge on how to train for Bodybuilding and now I can show clients and employers that I am certified to train people for bodybuilding.”

Mike Hamilton
Lomita (CA), USA

“I am a personal trainer and bodybuilder currently preparing for my first competition. Completing the IAPC course I feel has given me a competitive advantage for when I step on stage. I now feel ready and much more confident taking on all the tips and tricks I have learnt through the course. I really feel like nothing can stop me now and already have that winning feeling, and have to give credit to this course and the great deal of knowledge I have gained from it.”

Rob Failla
Campbellfield (NSW), Australia

“Great course for anyone looking to better their physique, or help someone else improve on theirs. I’m looking forward to implementing some of the techniques on my current and future clients.”

Derek Bishop
Orangevale, California, USA

“As soon as I found this course online I enrolled. It took me a little longer than the requested time to complete only due to other study commitments, but I always looked forward to reading the IAPC text book. When I was able to find time to read the text I struggled to put it down, at night I would lie in bed with a torch reading for I didn’t need the big light on and keep my girlfriend up. This course has helped me a lot with my own comp preps and stage presentation, as well as my other studies. I can not wait to read through the text book again so that I can make sure it’s all stored into the memory bank.”

Adam Rogers
Latrobe Valley (VIC), Australia

“The course was clear and concise and covered many topics that I have never come across in countless hours researching of bodybuilding contest preparation. It leaves no stone unturned and I can’t wait to put my new found knowledge into action.”

Tim Johnston
Frankston (VIC), Australia


“I found with my passion for nutritional knowledge and hunger to learn more that completing the IAPC course would be a great way to dive into this area and into the world of competitive bodybuilding in much greater detail.
As a prep coach I found this course a great deal of information that can only be acquired by doing this course and I feel that it is an advantage and I would highly recommend this course to any competitor or trainer.”

Deborah Dawson
Gold Coast (QLD), Australia

“Thank you for delivering a fantastic and extremely enjoyable course. Learning the science behind many of the techniques I have used in the past has really increased my confidence in my own contest prep.”

Chris Majpruz
Nunawading (VIC), Australia

“I have loved this course. It was short and easy. This Certificate will look good along with my other Certificates and future exercise science degrees.”

Marvin Evans
St Louis Mo, USA

“I have only been competing for a short period, but since I have studied the book I now feel confident to tweak my own contest preparation.
Also I am looking forward to the change with the various training programmes. Hopefully with this course I will also be able to guide future competitors in the right way.”

Heidi Jubber
Ballarat (VIC), Australia


“I have used the information outlined in the course and have reduced my BF % from 24% -16% in 12 weeks without any issues with a solid plan. I can’t wait to help others do the same.”

Scott Rolph
Newport/Sandringham (VIC), Australia

“Really enjoyed the course! The information was laid out very well – easy to follow and enjoyable. As a trainer who has helped many people prep for shows, there was still plenty of valuable information that I’ll be taking on board and lots of great confirmation about methodologies I’d been following. Loved that you covered so many different aspects of preparing. Thank you! Would definitely recommend!”

Kat Millar
Sydney (NSW), Australia


“I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I felt it covered all areas of bodybuilding and competition for both men and women. It started right with the mind set and psychology of what it takes to be in a winning mind frame down to stage presence and posing. I feel I am well instructed and ready to add this piece to my fitness career.”

Lori Cipolla
Cranston, Rhode Island, USA


“I just found this course wonderful. I improved my knowledge and wish to say thank you.”

Adriano Mazzoni
Darlinghurst, Sydney (NSW), Australia

“I enjoyed the course, it confirmed many things I had prior knowledge of, and added to my overall knowledge base.”

Alison Griet
Rowville (VIC), Australia


“I loved the knowledge provided in the course as it relates greatly to Contest preparation especially in regards to the “peak/tweak” weeks.”

Daniel Anthony England
Sinagra (WA), Australia


“It has helped me so much with my regular clients. So many good things to learn from, it was a good course.”

Norman Orozco
Dallas (TX), USA

“Studying this course has helped me realise a lot of things. I will be using this new information gained to prepare myself for my next competition. This will also improve my service delivery to my clients and in turn get me more clients, in the future.”

Tafara Muchechembra
Mount Louise (QLD), Australia


“An invaluable and informative course second to none for the sport of Bodybuilding as a professional athlete, trainer and Coach. Nothing less short be expected from aspiring athletes and coaches, especially with the amount of poor education and care in the industry. My compliments and respect to the IAPC.”

Ace Pooloo
Parramatta (NSW), Australia

“Great course. Very thorough and details easy to read.”

Naomi Baillie
Gladstone (QLD), Australia

“I have gained a huge amount of valuable knowledge thru out this course. I cannot wait to apply what I now know to myself and my clients. This manual and course has been exactly what I was looking for to create that winning edge for my clients; when they step on stage and for a lot of my other clients looking to transform their physique. Thanks!”

Jessica Bellio
Belgrave Heights (VIC), Australia

“Thank you for sending through my Certificate, I have absolutely loved doing this course and will be using all that I have learnt for my upcoming show. Thank you for providing such a phenomenal course with so much detail. I have been utilizing all of the information in it and I am overwhelmed by how detailed and informative it is. This course is phenomenal as it covers all aspects of training, nutrition and competing.What I love about the course is the amount of information given with studies to support all of the facts.The addition of guides and formula’s including diets is fantastic. Loving the workout plans. Thank you!!!!”

Celine Rattray
Mondurah (WA), Australia

“I found this course very interesting and easy to follow, I loved doing it. Thank you.”

Win Marsh
Gladstone (QLD), Australia

“This course is great. I’ve been searching for information like this for a very long time. Thank you.”

Stacey Roberts
Gold Coast (QLD), Australia

“This is an incredibly well researched course covering every aspect of bodybuilding in detail ensuring students have all the tools and confidence to deliver results as Master Physique Trainers. It’s made all the planning and programming exciting again!”

Robyn Burgess
Adelaide (SA), Australia

“I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. As a member of the INBA figure competitor, I’m forever searching and studying to further my knowledge. I have found this course so informative and valuable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and resources covering so many important topics and so much information.”

Sarah Sa
Lake Heights (NSW), Australia

“Awesome book, unlimited source of knowledge & a great starter for anyone looking at competing or coaching! Extremely useful even for the average Joe, I look forward to utilising the knowledge I have gained in furthering my career! Thank you so much!”

Clinton Sills
Matraville (NSW), Australia

“I am currently a personal trainer and this course has given me such a more broader knowledge with regards to training and nutrition on different body types. The course is really in depth and I would recommend it to anyone in the health and fitness industry.”

Keegan Van Schalkwyk
East London, South Africa

“Loved it! The book didn’t feel like a textbook at all as it was actually engaging and hard to put down! Learnt a great amount about bodybuilding and its background and learnt heaps of which I can actually use in preparation of my future competitions.”

Justin Mc Conville
Essendon, Melbourne (VIC), Australia

“Having completed myself, I totally understood this course. I found some new ideas and tips. Nutrition and supplements section was very helpful: as we can get lost in supplement world. Now I Have confidence to train myself and take on clients. Thank you.”

Emma Wilson
Maroubra, Sydney (NSW), Australia

“Fantastic Course.”

Rebecca Durrance
Mount Martha, Melbourne (VIC), Australia

“Lots of informative studies that can help you and your clients through a bodybuilding contest preparation.”

Kevin Vo
Dandenong North, Melbourne (VIC), Australia

“Awesome book, unlimited source of knowledge and great starter for anyone looking at competing or coaching! Extremely useful even for the average Joe, I look forward to utilising the knowledge I have gained in furthering my career! Thank you so much!”

Clinton Sills
Clinton Sills, Sydney (NSW), Australia

“I found course to be extremely informative and interesting, and it has given me a much clearer understanding of bodybuilding prep. I feel the course has given me more confidence in prepping myself and others in the future, as it is thoroughly explained ands made clear the facts about competition preparation that were not quite as clear until now. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in bodybuilding.”

Jo-Anne Aquillina
Penrith, Sydney (NSW), Australia

“The course was easy to understand. It was enjoyable to learn the science behind contest prep, the different nutritional techniques and training principles and manipulation techniques to achieve a lean, hard and dry physique. I feel so much more confidence in assisting clients in course prep and look forward to producing some champions.”

Chris Lycho
Southwest Sydney (NSW), Australia


“A very interesting and useful course that will undoubtedly boost me and my company’s income and recreation with the fitness industry. This course have allowed me to feel confident in training my self and clients regarding the fine art of body building.”

James Fugal
Bradbury (NSW), Australia

“Thought the course was very helpful and makes sense. Loved it.”

Alex Breden
Lang Warrin (VIC), Australia

“This was a fun filled, interesting, informative and inspiring course. I have found all the chapters to be clear and concise. The material and references provided were very easy to follow. It was a real pleasure to be able to gain that extra knowledge on certain aspects that you didn’t know all that information about. I recommend this course to all passionate fitness fanatics.”

Darren Hogan
Cobram (VIC), Australia

” I have found the course to be clear, concise and informative. The information provided throughout the course indeed a clear understanding , and the instructions were very well set out. This is an excellent example of a course that offers easy to follow and great to understand, fantastic reading. I praise and commend people, athletics and all individuals in producing such a “wonderful gift” to all in the World of Bodybuilding. Many Regards. Greg Tyniec.”

Greg Tyneic
Cobram (VIC), Australia

“Absolutely loved this course!! I couldn’t put the book down and was so excited when it came in the mail. This course covers EVERYTHING you need to know for Bodybuilding and competing. As a competitor I always wondered what the exact calculations needed for a contest diet, depletion, carb up, sodium load and water load. There is so much information out there these days and this course has narrowed the “What if’s” to an exact calculation needed in order to succeed. Mentally and physically this course reveals all. Thank you.”

Ebony Page
Baldivis (WA), Australia

“Such a valuable resource! I always knew the why but know I have such a better understanding of the How. It was more of a light bulb moment. “Ah Haw” moment, now I get it. The Information provided was so well written and presented. I loved the hard copy text with examples and explaining the breakdowns; carb loading, water level, percentages and timing to prepare realistically to show day. As a natural competitor I could really relate to the stories and scientific studies/information; body types and necessities for training, key supplementation, nutrition, diet and training with the pros and cons of each to consider the personal need of each client.”

Jeanine Piva
Victoria Point, Brisbane (QLD), Australia

“Great content and use of studies to illustrate the main points. Currently, I’m studying nutritional science and it was great to see some of the articles I’ve already read included in the course.”

Boris Zivkovic
Hobart (TAS), Australia

“Great course, provided me with everything I need to coach myself and my clients. One of the best books I have ever picked up and definitely would recommend to anyone wanting to follow their bodybuilding dreams.”

Issy Chettibi
Torquay/Geelong (VIC), Australia

“The IAPC demystifies the competition process from diet, to training, to stage. It is all things pre-contest, and it has made me a better coach and trainer because of it. Thank you IAPC for making the ample amounts of information comprehensible without being overwhelming!”

Alexis Zibolis
Seattle, Washington USA


“Fantastic information, especially on nutrition. Looking forward to putting it into practise, along with different types of training for different Body types- Thank you !😁”

Deb Poole
Morningside (QLD), Australia

“Although I have judged INBA and NABBA contests for approx 16 years, it was refreshing and interesting to discover knowledge in your course. I always find each new course I do, gives me more insight and knowledge enabling me to better customize a client’s exercise and nutritional programme.”

Joe Boyle
Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand

“Loved it! Lots of great information as well as some useful tips and tricks. The content was well presented. The ideas and concepts in the course were well thought out and I like how the scientific literature was used to back what was being discussed. The exam was challenging but not impossibly hard. Overall, a fantastic course for anyone wanting to further their knowledge in this field.”

Patrick Ranasinghe
Cairns (QLD), Australia

“After completing cert 3 and 4 in fitness, with what was summed up to quite a large amount of unstructured information to try and digest (this especially being a problem with an industry that just recently here in Australia, finally decided to reshuffle its course works to get all training institutes on the same page). In a nutshell, here it is, PT courses in Australia will obviously give you most things provided in this book, plus the structure needed to work with Allied health professionals, deal with legislation, structure programs, understand nutrition, etc. Which is all well and good. But the one thing it doesn’t do, is give you a sound, proven blueprint on what you need to know to get someone to build muscle or lose fat in a timely manner. So even though PT courses give you most things that are in this course, what they do not give you is a formula of appropriate places within a systemised approach, on how to use these tools and techniques effectively to get precise end results, you’re kind of just expected to figure that one out on your own. I think if you are a PT and you are looking to be of high value service to your clients (even if you choose to not compete), this small course should be a prerequisite for anyone to have to pass, before they can call themselves an industry professional. Success leaves traces, with rule number one being that if you have a systemised duplicatable approach towards doing something, with that there is every chance that you will get for yourself “consistent predictable results!” This course is that systemised duplicatable process you will have been looking for, which will give to you the “consistent predictable results” anyone should openly want to choose to acquire, in order to allow the ability to truly be able to bring out the full potential of yourself or anyone else you may choose to serve via use of this information.”

Paul Humphries
Yass, (NSW), Australia

“Thoroughly enjoyed the course. It was great to have so much information complied into one, simple resource. Everything from Carbohydrate loading, Contest Day checklists, Judging criteria, Somatotype programming, Contest day strategies and even how to get your mindset in the right groove to seize the big day.”

Andrew Young
Randwick/Sydney (NSW), Australia


“Easy to follow and highly informative course. Highly recommended.”

Luke Goodale
Mackay (QLD), Australia

“I originally purchased this book to specifically master posing for my competitions and to teach my students. However to my sheer happiness, I discovered a wealth of invaluable knowledge. I have been competing for nine years and had not come across such a book before. I am confident in winning my next competitions (August 2018), and feel blessed to be associated with IAPC.”

Joyce Nunu

“This course was extremely informative and gave me so much new information. I will definitely be testing it out on myself and my clients in the future.”

Kaylie Hynes
Perth (WA), Australia


“Since studying the book i feel confident to tweak my own contest prep. I am looking forward to the change with the varies Training program’s, hopefully with this course I will guide future competitors the right way.”

Heidi Bessler
Ballarat (VIC), Australia

“Great info, course is packed full of useful info, every trainer and coach should know when preparing themselves or others for a show. Highly recommend the investment.”

Jonathon Jones
Cleveland Brisbane (QLD), Australia


“Informative, helpful and necessary information to achieve maximum development for positive competitive outcomes. Well done.”

Deborah Brown
Glen Eden (QLD), Australia


“I signed up for the course as something extra to offer my personal training clients. Very informative lesson chapters that will not only help me with clients but will also be beneficial for my own training knowledge.”

Amanda Moore
Kalgoorlie (WA), Australia


“Amazing course so much knowledge you don’t get from other courses.”

Brooke-lin Spencer
Gold Coast (QLD), Australia


“The course was fantastic ! It solidified and expanded all my current knowledge on subjects such as “The Volume Diet” approach, ( which I used in my own previous comp prep ), and gave me much more knowledge on other approaches which I have already started to use on my clients. Lots of great knowledge, all useful and applicable. Thank you.”

Adam Hamilton
Jindalee, Brisbane (QLD), Australia


“I became interested to learn more as a trainer about bodybuilding after visiting the Arnolds Classic Amateur Qualifier 2018 in Melbourne. While reading the course book I found many good ideas and advice in it that do benefit first timers in their prep and on stage. The book is written really well – interesting to read and lots of good advice for training and nutrition and mindset to prepare for a competition. The posing routines are well explained and with the photos and advice a novice will get good ideas what to focus on.”

Ira Hornung
Sydney (NSW), Australia


“I couldn’t ask for a better guidance or aid in preparing athletes for stage. This book will stay with my business for long time. Nutritional knowledge is second to none and what I enjoyed the most was the judging criteria. Thanks for the course. Zac.”

Zachary Ward
Chelsea (VIC), Australia


“This is an extremely informative course that covers all aspects of competitive bodybuilding. I thoroughly enjoyed reading thru the book and completing the exam. Having completed the course I can’t wait to start putting the great advise into practise and achieving some awesome results with my future clients. “

Jason Irvine
Capalaba (QLD), Australia


“The IAPC course has helped me gain the right kind of knowledge related to bodybuilding and physique training.”

George Dinesh
Bangalore, India

“As far as the authors are concerned Mr Wayne McDonald and Mr Richard Hargreaves are the force to reckon in the bodybuilding industry. The language of the book is beginner-friendly. Nutrition and Supplement is a great addition to the book. If anyone wants to learn about contest preparation then IAPC is the best course anybody should opt for. Thanks to Mr Wayne and Mr Richard.”

Romi Gill
New Dehli, India

“I really feel that I have learned a lot about bodybuilding and dieting. This IAPC course is really easily understandable and makes us knowledgeable. This really motivates me to do bodybuilding and to train others as well.”

Abu Bucker Mohammed
Chennai, India


“I’ve been in the bodybuilding industry for over 2 decades. I’ve completed over half a dozen times. I found this course very informative, and easy to read and understand. If you are someone looking to develop your skills and personal knowledge I recommend IAPC.”

Clinton Williams
Christchurch, New Zealand


” I truly enjoyed this course as it has taught me so much regarding pre contest preparation. I especially enjoyed the sections on carbohydrate loading and sodium manipulation as this is one area I struggle to master. I have already put a few of the diet techniques to the test and have seen great results so far.”

Craig Andre’ Sevell
Gauteng, Johannesburg, South Africa


“WOW. I found this course to be so in-depth and rich in knowledge, I now have the confidence to apply what I have learnt to myself and others. Really amazing how all the information is packaged together, have never come across anything like this course before. Thank you so much.”

Tauu Andersson
Melbourne (VIC), Australia


“This is a great course. Throughout my learnings I have put structures in place to serve future clients. The course takes you from identifying body types to planning the suitable workout and nutrition that will complement the journey. Knowledge of how to manage water retention, the impacts of caffeine, how to use supplements to standing opn the stage impressing the judge. This is a great book, I guess you could call this the book for life. Its the whole journey. Thank you for this inspiring journey. Im keen to practice my learnings and evolve.”

Eddie Hanger
Mango Hill (QLD), Australia



“I found the book to be very eye-opening for me. I am very excited to start coaching my client in bodybuilding and hopefully obtain a coaches trophy. The book was very helpful, full of different knowledge and areas. I specifically loved information on sodium and water.”

Jaxon Human
Melbourne/Doncaster (VIC), Australia


“I really enjoyed this! I’m a Trainer and about to compete in my first bodybuilding competition and I found this really interesting. It’s also great to step away from social media and Influencers and take it back to where it all began! Awesome!! Look forward to reading the book through a few more times.”

Abbey Richards
Berri (SA), Australia



“I own my own fitness and personal training studio and found this course to be an excellent source of information for the clients who come in to see me. I also compete in Figure Competitions and entered my first comp in September 2007 and to my suprise won my division and the overall title and would have loved to have known about the info in this course. But as a true competitor I have refocused and want to improve and this course has given me the tools I need to help me improve where I need to. I highly recommend this course to any person in the fitness industry or to anyone who wishes to compete in Bodybuilding competitions.”

Lai Tattis-Brindell
Springfield (QLD), Australia
2007 QLD WFF Overall Figure Champion


“I have learnt so much doing this course and have put my new found knowledge to work straight away in hope that I may be able to compete in September as a novice. I have read and re-read the IAPC manual and I believe it has to be one of the most valuable resources I own to date.”

Robyn Nicholls
Bairnsdale (VIC), Australia

“I completed this course because I had so many questions after my first season of competing. I never questioned my coach, just did as I was told but I wanted answers. I found everything I needed right here.”

Ronita Olivero
NSW, Australia


“Such a brilliant course that is well structured. It has given me more sight into competing and will assist me in understanding my own body further to create better results each season. It is also a valuable resource that I can refer to again and again. Thank you IAPC.”

Kirsten Weddell
Capalaba (QLD), Australia


“I couldn’t put the text book down. It will be something I will refer to regularly.”

Emma-Lee Spaeth
Moonta (SA), Australia

“It’s a great course that helps me solve many unknown bodybuilding competition secrets and broadens my horizon. It’s a useful tool and its knowledge will help me in the PT business. Most importantly, as a bodybuilding competitor myself, it helps me increase my chance of winning.”

Yuanchao (Sep) Wang
North Strathfield (NSW), Australia


“I have been involved in strength and fitness for 20 year from competitive fighters to body shaping and powerlifting I found IAPC Course indepth and insightful. The manual is packed with useful tips to assist you. I just love learning new things for the benefit of clients. Very informative and easy to follow and a great reference for furutre planning and program planning and I am looking forward in helping my clients in their journey in natural bodybuilding. Thanks and much respect.”

Oscar James Harding
Burnie (TAS), Australia


” I am so grateful this course was available as I have competed four times now on nothing but instinct, and bad conflicting advise. Now I feel confident not only to apply but to train others on the information I have learnt.”

Tekiri (Tee) Whana
Gold Coast (QLD), Australia


“I found the course very informative and easy to read. I think it’s great that the IAPC offers such a course due to the lack of specific step by step instructions available out there. You can find a lot of anecdotal tips and tricks for manipulating the body for a contest but nothing like this. A great idea by the authors to construct such a course certificate. I learned a lot and IAPC’s course is something I’d recommend highly to my fellow fitness enthusiasts! Thanks for the invaluable information and education you’re offering to the community!”

Kosmas Papageorgiou
Oslo, Norway

“Great course! The content was so informative and interesting. An absolute wealth of information. I will now be keeping the course book as my bible and can see myself referencing it regularly. Another thing that I loved about the course was how it was easy to read. It was as if the course designers are talking directly to you and you’re not just reading dry content. You can really feel their knowledge and passion for what they teach. A+”

Lauren Reilly
Doncaster East, Melbourne (VIC), Australia


“What a wonderful course. Learnt so much. Can’t wait to apply the skill set to my clients and myself. Striving for gold, thanks to you guys. Love Taylah.”

Taylah Berry
Abermain Cressnock (NSW), Australia

“As a 73 year old student, having been associated with the fitness industry with included competing 32 years ago and having judged competitions at National level for many years. I rate this course one of the best courses I have had the pleasure of doing. Never in my experience of fitness education have I learned so much about the specific subject of Physique Conditioning. The presentation and order of the material is professional, to the point, and pleasing to read. I am still very involved in my Personal Training Gym training clients in the various elements of fitness. I recently joined ICN/INBA in order to promote a drug free platform for up and coming physique athletes in my area. I have a renewed zest for the sport of bodybuilding as result of my association with your organisation. Thanks for this wonderfully unique course, which I believe is an essential prerequisite in order to help me to promote ICN in the KZN midlands”

Danny Veness
Hilton (KZN), South Africa

“I wish I had known about this course earlier! The content is comprehensive, specific and satisfying to study. I immediately began implementing the strategies outlined with my clients and myself, to great effect. The non-elitist tone of this course is refreshing, as every other text or article I have ever read tended to chastise the reader for even aspiring to compete in the sport! This course added a wealth of wisdom to my other studies and experience as a PT and I have already begun heartily recommending it to my colleagues.”

Lisi Urlich-Smith
Tweed Heads (NSW), Australia

“Enjoyed this course, very educational.”

Ben Jones
Brisbane (QLD), Australia


“I am writing just a quick note to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your course content which is very detailed and in-depth of knowledge. The CD also very useful to any fitness professional. Thank you IAPC so much, for such a wonderful learning experience.”

Koushik Mandal
Parganas, India



“I found the book to be very eye-opening for me. I am very excited to start coaching my client in bodybuilding and hopefully obtain a coaches trophy. The book was very helpful, full of different knowledge and areas. I specifically loved information on sodium and water.”

Kristian Nagel
Melbourne/Doncaster (VIC), Australia


“This course was very indepth and insightful, it has covered a wide range of different aspects that should be considered in any competition preparation, it has built my own confidence in coaching and I feel it has given me the tools nessesary for successful competition preparation for any client that comes along the way, I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking for extra guidance with their competition prep as I feel this gives a great competitive edge over other competitors.”

Olivia Plane
Wagga Wagga, (NSW), Australia


“This course was everything I was looking for. There is nothing out there like it! It is and will continue to be a great help for me. Anyone with or without knowledge who wants to know how – This is it.”

Luke Treeby
Kent, England

“I really enjoyed this course & the information supplied. I know it will help me with my own comp prep as well as allow me to help others who are interested in competing. The course book is well written & easy to understand. I am excited to pass on my new found knowledge to others who are just as passionate as I am in bodybuilding.”

Nicki Sewell
Brightwaters, (NSW) Australia

“Great Course! Loved how in-depth it was, and learnt a lot! Highly recommend!”

Mitchell Johnstone
Brisbane, (QLD), Australia

“Course was very informative, learnt a lot. Before doing the course I was all over the place resourcing information, and trying to store it in my long term memory”

Warren Percival
Warren Percival, (QLD), Australia

“Really challenging course so much knowledge and information very thought provoking.”

Clinton Mahia
Paraparaumu Wellington, New Zealand



What you get…

As well as the Comprehensive Bodybuilding Course Body (21 lessons…345 pages), and an impressive certificate at the successful completion of the course…for a limited time you also get the Food Suite (on memory stick) and Sports Injury e-Book (on memory stick) as special FREE bonuses.



Special FREE Bonus #1: You’ll Receive the 2300 page Special IAPC Nutritional Food Composition Table Suite memory stick for Windows ($297 Value).

Here’s how the IAPC can help you build your reputation further, impress your clients more, and achieve results that presently seem only a dream…

The IAPC Nutritional Food Composition Table Suite is a must have reference for every personal trainer serious about their business and reputation…

With it you can quickly, easily and accurately design simple diets right up to the most advanced specialty eating plans in existence…the type that can give you and your clients a winning edge.

You can quickly find high protein foods, low carbohydrate foods, low fat foods, low calorie foods…foods high in potassium or zinc or sodium. Foods low in cholesterol…in fact whatever it is you need to know…you’ll find the answer here. Over 2000 pages…all with an accurate quick fast search function. 83 comprehensive tables in all…with a database of 6040 foods will enable you to select nutrient compositions for all of them. Not only can you use search function…you can browse the tables which are both alphabetically listed and sorted from highest to lowest.

Use these tables to manipulate fluid balance, reduce bodyfat or increase protein intake for muscle growth.

Eg. Using the alphabetical listing you can easily browse foods by categories. eg find the best fish or beef or bread for a certain nutrient, such as calories or protein or carbohydrate. Using the highest to lowest tables you can browse for the best foods high in something (eg high in potassium) or low in something (eg low in sodium)

Here’s an alphabetical list of the nutrients covered in The IAPC Nutritional Food Composition Table Suite which comprises of 83 complete stand alone PDF tables for thousands of foods…

  • alpha carotene
  • beta carotene
  • beta Cryptoxanthin
  • calcium
  • calorie
  • carbohydrate
  • cholesterol
  • choline
  • copper
  • fat
  • fatty acids monounsaturated
  • fatty acids polyunsaturated
  • fatty acids saturated
  • fibre
  • folate
  • iron
  • lutein
  • lycopene
  • magne sium
  • manganese
  • niacin
  • Oxalic Acid in Selected Vegetables
  • pantothenic acid(B5)
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • protein
  • riboflavin
  • selenium
  • sodium
  • thiamin
  • total sugars
  • vitamin a iu
  • vitamin a rae
  • vitamin b6
  • vitamin b12
  • vitamin c
  • vitamin e
  • vitamin k
  • water
  • zinc
  • Each nutrient in the chart above can be tracked/found in the food table suite both listed alphabetically or highest to lowest content. This gives you two powerful tools/ways to design diets
  • At your fingertips you now have instant access to the latest nutritional composition tables in the world. Nothing else compares. This means no more guesswork and reliance on outdated information…giving you an edge on your competition
  • The composition tables of 6,040 foods puts the power of the worlds most advanced reference library in your hands. Nothing is as comprehensive. But even more importantly…nothing is easier to use…inbuilt search function allows you to find exactly what you need…fast…no more wading through piles of irrelevant junk…pinpoint what you need and go straight to it!
  • Clients want to pay for the best trainer. Keep your clients up to date with your new IAPC 83 volume resource library at your disposal. This would have to be one of the best investments any personal trainer could make in their business…and for a limited time it’s absolutely FREE
  • Imagine the benefits and control you have putting any diet together – working off such an extensive resource giving you the protein, fat and carbohydrate content (and more) of 6040 foods!
  • In seconds find the precise details of dozens of compounds that exist in the food we eat today…quickly answer you clients questions…and give them a printout to take home and keep for themselves
  • The research used to prepare these tables cost the U.S. Government $12,000 per food item, totalling $72 Million! But you’ve now got the chance to utilise this invaluable information to make your business and results fly…for FREE
  • Getting the information compiled by the International Academy of Physique Conditioning for you for FREE is definitely the best deal!

There’s no comparison to the IAPC Nutritional Suite available on the market today, nothing as comprehensive…..and if you HURRY, it’s free for just enrolling in the World’s Official Bodybuilding and contest preparation course! But only for a limited time…so don’t waste time procrastinating and “thinking about it”…get into action now and start serving up better results for yourself and clients immediately, while this very special offer is available. You’ll kick yourself if you miss out for being too slow…and you’ll squirm when you see that your opposition has beaten you to the punch and got the course and Suite before you…even though you knew about it first! Don’t let this deal of a lifetime be “the one that got away”…Land your biggest win ever for yourself, your business and your clients…act now…click on the BUY NOW button.

So whether it’s 2 in the morning or 10 at night…don’t waste another minute waiting for tomorrow…DO IT NOW!

The IAPC Nutritional Food Composition Table Suite Pro edition memory stick for Windows is valued at $297…but for a limited time free with the course

The next special free bonus gift is another must have…even though I hope you never need it!


Special FREE Bonus #2: You’ll Receive the invaluable and handy “SPORTS INJURIES” eBook ($19.97 Value)

A concise yet informative 44 page guide on Sports Injuries, complete with illustrations. Even though you may not need it now, it’s essential you have it in your library. While a client may understand you can not answer every question on the spot – even doctors need to refer to their professional library… It’s critical for your professional standing to have resources on hand to get the information quickly. A library makes a great statement about your professionalism…

And with the “Sports Injuries” book you have an up-to-date manual on sports injuries which should be an essential requirement in every Personal Trainers library.

Anyway, to sum it all up…at the end of the day just some of your rewards for buying the course and receiving the valuable bonus extras are…

check-listBe regarded as a Master Physique Trainer which will enable you to charge more money for your valuable service and gain higher respect from your peers

check-listGain the reputation for being able to create bodybuilding winners and so word of mouth advertising will start building your business on autopilot

check-listlearn how to peak a client’s physique for a particular event and day so they look their absolute best on contest day or for a magazine photo shoot

check-listEarn the money you rightly deserve so your efforts are rewarded not only in job satisfaction…but also with a big fat bank account

check-listOther personal trainers will envy you and wonder how you achieve such outstanding results with your clients and while they scratch their heads in amazement…you’ll continue to improve your results even further…churning out championship physiques and gaining all the accolades associated with winners

check-listSave years of “trial and error” embarrassment giving you an instant edge on your competition


“This was an extremely informative course! Everything was explained very clearly and for areas of particular interest, the text also provided references for further reading and research. This was an investment that I know will pay off in my Personal Training business, as I can now confidently tailor specific training and dietary programs for my clients. Thank you for this resource!”

Loretta Watson
Melbourne (VIC), Australia

“This course is brilliant!! I found it hard to put down, and was reading it at breakfast, dinner, between clients – literally every moment I had, I had my head in the book! I had been on a high protein diet for 4 weeks, but quickly tweaked it once I got to the nutrition section, and also changed my cardio and weights routines. Never have I noticed such a quick change with my physique! Thank you so very much for putting the material together – I am now looking forward to seeing what I can further accomplish within the ‘figure’ sport. I’m on stage in 4 weeks in my first Open Class. With only giving myself 8 weeks to prepare, I don’t think I could have done it without doing the course. The lessons on manipulation and presentation and mind power have given me more inspiration to do the Open Class whereas initially I may have felt intimidated.”

Sheta Hall
Hamilton, New Zealand


“Now armed with the course I have a better understanding of what it takes to become a champion. This course has also assisted in my current studies – Certificate III in personal training. A great source of information and knowledge not often shared in the arena.”

Jo Altman
Adelaide (SA), Australia





Money Back GuaranteeIf you don’t save years of trial and error and embarrassment…if you don’t quickly learn all the insider tips and tricks to build a fantastic physique… and if your satisfaction and business success doesn’t soar, while your frustration disappears…simply return the course contents in good condition and we’ll refund your complete purchase price, no time limit, no questions asked.



Why wouldn’t you buy this course…
1. You think you can’t afford it…
2. You think you already know everything or enough to get by with…
3. You don’t know the expertise behind the Creators…
4. You don’t have the time…
5. You think it could be good…but you’ve been burned before when things you’ve bought didn’t deliver the benefit they promised…and so you’re scared or sceptical to make a purchase…

We could go on and on trying to convince you of the value of the course, saying that what you’ll get out of it will far outweigh the costs in terms of personal achievement and money it will allow you to earn in the very near future (in fact, almost immediately in many cases)…breaking it down to the ridiculous (82 cents per day over the period of a year). You mightn’t fully understand its worth to place enough importance on learning new skills to make the time to do it…or you just get nervous before making an important purchase…so…To put your mind at ease, the course comes with a better than 100% money back guarantee…If after reading it you still think it doesn’t over-deliver value for money or you didn’t learn heaps from it…return the bodybuilding contest prep course for a full refund. You have nothing to lose…except mediocrity…and everything to gain…especially money, fame, fortune and all the accolades associated with success. Click here to see our Bodybuilding Course Graduates

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Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3037, South Yarra, Victoria, 3141Australia

Bodybuilding Affiliate Program